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Posts — Category: Retirement Planning

How Cost of Living Adjustments are Calculated
Financial Wellness 101Retirement Planning

How Cost of Living Adjustments are Calculated

When you file for Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), your lifetime earnings are used to determine the amount of your monthly retirement benefit. However, this number is not static

Stretch Your Retirement Budget
Retirement PlanningSavings Strategies

Stretch Your Retirement Budget

You’ve worked hard all your life. You do not want to enter retirement worrying about how you are going to pay for medical costs, insurance, groceries, and other bills. The

Supplementing Your Retirement Income
Lifestyle & WellnessRetirement Planning

Supplementing Your Retirement Income

Retirement is something you may have been looking forward to for quite some time. You may have been saving for it since you began working with the hopes of leading

Restructuring Your Budget for Retirement
Retirement PlanningSavings Strategies

Restructuring Your Budget for Retirement

If you are like many people, you have been planning and building a nest egg for decades for the moment when you finally reach retirement age. However, have you also

Retirement Account Withdrawal Strategies
Investment StrategiesRetirement Planning

Retirement Account Withdrawal Strategies

Like most things in life, retirement fund withdrawals should be carefully planned to maximize your assets and get the most mileage from your retirement funds. Of course, the first act

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?
InsuranceRetirement Planning

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Life insurance is one of those things that many people do not want to think about, but that almost everyone needs. Most simply don’t want to think of a world

Factors That Impact Life Insurance Premiums
InsuranceRetirement Planning

Factors That Impact Life Insurance Premiums

Different factors will determine what you pay for life insurance premiums. This can confuse many individuals when they are trying to understand why their premiums are higher than others. Below

Becoming financially independent
Financial Wellness 101Retirement Planning

Becoming Financially Independent

Financial freedom often begins by becoming financially independent. Many people do not realize how financially dependent they’ve grown or how easy it is to find oneself there. Some people never