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Posts — Category: Estate Planning

Mistakes to Avoid for a Stress-free & Wealthy Retirement
Estate PlanningInvestment Strategies

Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid for a Stress-free & Wealthy Retirement

Planning for retirement is a critical aspect of financial security, and retirement and estate planning plays a vital role in ensuring a stress-free and wealthy retirement. A well-thought-out estate plan

Estate PlanningFinancial Wellness 101Kids & Money

Are bad habits creating a financially irresponsible generation? | Opinion

April is National Financial Literacy Month. It’s a good time to ask ourselves whether we are creating a new generation of financially irresponsible young people and how we can be

Financial Home Buying Obligations
Estate PlanningFinancial Wellness 101Retirement Planning

Additional Financial Home Buying Obligations

You have found your dream home in the perfect neighborhood for you and your family. You have even determined that you will be able to afford the monthly mortgage payments

First time home buyers
Estate PlanningFinancial Wellness 101Retirement Planning

Down Payment Strategies for First-Time Home Buyers

The idea of buying a first home is exciting. However, coming up with a sizable down payment can feel like an impossible task. That is especially true when many lenders

Social Security Survivor Benefits
Estate PlanningRetirement Planning

Social Security Survivor Benefits

No one likes to think about what life will be like for those you love if you are no longer around. However, it is an important part of planning for