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Posts — Category: College Planning

Pros and Cons of Cosigning for Student Loans: What Retirees Need to Know
Cosigning a student loan is a significant financial commitment, especially for retirees who need to carefully plan their financial goals. Think of it as being the backup parachute in a

Maximize Your Savings: How to Leverage 529 Day for Future Education Costs
“The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” — Abe Lemons Navigating the costs of education? ‘529 day’ might be your opportunity to get ahead. Held

Saving for Your College of Choice
It has become a big worry for most parents: How can they save enough money to help pay for their children’s college education? Students today can take advantage of a

Choosing Between College and Retirement Savings
Saving enough money to help pay for your children’s college education is a daunting challenge. Trying to save for your retirement at the same time? That makes a difficult task
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An Overview of 529 Plans
As families invest their savings in preparation for their children’s future K-12 or college tuition and expenses, 529 college savings plans can provide various tax and financial benefits. These benefits